Friday, February 22, 2008

Rain, rain go away

So, big plans to get the first coat of stucco on the house are being thwarted by the on-again, off-again rain we're getting. Tomorrow seems to be an OK forecast so I've got a bunch of help coming and we're hoping the weather will allow us to get it all scratch coated in one day.

I haven't taken recent progress shots off my camera for awhile, but here's a shot from about 3 weeks back before we framed the roof. It should give you a basic idea of what we're doing to the house.

When things settle down a bit I'll take the time to learn how this whole blog software works and get more into linking things, but for now just wanted to drop an image in and make sure I understood the basics a bit.

Things are starting to come together for my next big gym project. It will be located in Riverside, California and will be the second gym for Hangar 18 (another SoCal gym owned by my friend Zach Shields). The gym is one I did the design on and I'm very psyched on it. It should provide the best roped climbing terrain in the region and a ton of good bouldering terrain. Once we get underway I'll likely post some shots here.

Also have some shaping assignments coming up for Climb It and Project Holds, as well as (hopefully) the release of some new shapes I did a while back for VooDoo Holds. Shaping is a huge creative outlet for me and it's another thing I haven't been able to do while we've been working on the house. As happy as I am on how our home is coming together, I definitely look forward to getting back to my normal way of life.

Hope things are dry wherever you are...

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